diondo evosystems

Entry into the World of Industrial Computed Tomography   

Our evo-series was specially developed to get you started in X-ray computed tomography. The simple user interface eliminates perator errors from the outset. The low price point minimizes your entry risk while our maintenance free concept reduces your recurring costs to zero. evo systems are based on a precision-engineered steel construction for advanced scanning accuracy and low total weight loading. With a large inspection area in a small footprint, we create flexibility for your tasks while fitting into the smallest labs.


diondo evo03

User-friendly CT system for Complex Measuring & Inspection Tasks

The user-friendly evo 03 system enables reliable analysis and precise measurements of small to medium-sized parts made of plastic

diondo evo05

User-friendly CT system for advanced measurement & inspection tasks

Computed tomography is the ideal solution for most inspection tasks. It is used in research and development, production and failure analysis



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ISO 14001